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Our children

But now this is what the Lord says:

“Do not weep any longer,

    for I will reward you,” says the Lord.

“Your children will come back to you

    from the distant land of the enemy.

Jeremiah 31:16 (NLT)

As our children grow, they inevitably reach the age when they make their own life decisions. As parents, we want the best for them, and there is such great joy in seeing them commit their life to Christ.

Why do we desire this? Because we know from personal experience a relationship with Christ gives true purpose and fulfilment.

When our children trust Christ, they receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and their lives are under the shelter of the Almighty.

Life is not without its struggles, tests, and trials, but their path leads to life. Whatever has been shattered, broken, or damaged can be healed, restored, and prospered. When God takes over a life, it is never the same again – what was dead can live.

Don’t all parents want that for their children?

The alternative for some is to stumble through life, often making unwise alliances and poor choices because there is no solid foundation on which to base decisions. Attitudes and beliefs are formed, and actions are ultimately taken based on cultural norms and not on God’s advice.

Sadly, some parents spend years watching their children destroy their lives, going from one disastrous event to the next. They are heartbroken and often feel powerless because they can see the potential in their children and yearn for them to find peace and fulfilment in life.

We’ve all been ‘prodigals’

When we reflect on our own lives, we realise we have all been ‘prodigals’. Some of us have been more stubborn than others. Usually, it takes coming to a low point in life before we realise what our heavenly Father offers is insurmountably more than anything the world can offer. This is because everything is temporal, and life can quickly become meaningless and without purpose.

Life can change in an instant and the things we thought were important seem shallow.

If we want our children to return from living in a dry and barren place our best plan of action is to commit to persistent, regular prayer.

Prayer is the conductor that moves mountains.

The great news is the prayers we offer ascend to the throne of God and are always before Him. Not one prayer falls to the ground. Although wise parental advice should always be offered, it is prayer, and not heated, harsh words, that will impact our children’s hearts.

Be encouraged by the Word of God today

Some of the most wonderful Scriptures about the descendants of believers are found in the book of the prophet Isaiah. These are promises to both Jews and Christians.

Isaiah foresaw, the abandonment of loyalty to God by his children – a falling away. God would then send them into exile. Yet, because of God’s unfailing love, he would bring them back.

Those who had been held captive by evil forces would be delivered because God Himself would battle evil. Isaiah said these children would not befall calamity but would receive blessing.

They would be taught by God, and His words would be found on their lips.

Here are four promises from God:

  1. “But thus says the LORD: ‘Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children’” (Isa. 49:25 NKJV).
  2. “They will not labour in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them” (Isa. 65:23 NIV).
  3. “‘As for Me’, says the LORD, ‘this is My covenant with them: My Spirit, who is upon you, and My words, which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants’, says the LORD, ‘from this time and forevermore’” (Isa. 59:21 NKJV). 
  4. “All your children shall be taught by the LORD and great shall be the peace of your children” (Isa. 54:13 NKJV).

The Hebrew word bēn has been translated here as ‘children’; it also translates as ‘son’, (child of either gender), ‘descendant’ (in any generation), or ‘offspring’.  Therefore, as a believer in the living God, consider placing your children and grandchildren’s names in these Scriptures.      

How can you help your children?

Trust God and keep praying

If you feel weighed down and have a heavy heart because your children have strayed, have faith in God and continue praying.

Thank Him for His plan to rescue your child from the hands of the enemy. Pray your child will realise the poverty of their situation and, like the story of the prodigal son, will make haste to return to find their Father’s open and welcoming arms.

Share the Good News with your children

Put down a good foundation and from a young age teach your children and grandchildren about Jesus.      

Introduce them to the Bible and show them the promises and many life lessons we learn from scriptures. Regularly discuss the Bible around your dinner table.       

We have some great gospel tracts for children from ages 4 years to teens. Share them with your children or grandchildren as a means of introducing the Good News or use them to reach your extended family neighbours or local community.

Blessings Deb and the ti-dingz team