To my friend

God knows each of us personally. He knows life can be hard and that we all navigate difficulties. He sees our individual trials and has compassion and mercy for us.  

He is also fully aware of the things we do wrong. God calls this sin, and it separates us from God.  God wants us to be reconciled to him. That is why he sent his only Son Jesus Christ to die for us and pay the penalty for our sins. He offers us forgiveness and a life of purpose and peace.

The Gospel is ‘good news’ and our tracts aim to share the gospel message in a straightforward and easy to understand manner.

We have a range of gospel tracts suitable for different age groups, from 5 years to adults.

We Believe

the gospel is for everyone

We have a range of gospel tracts suited for different age groups, from 5 years of age through to adults. Contact us to find out more about our school sponsorship program.