ti-dingz Blog

All Scripture is inspired by God

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17, NLT

This is what inspires me to write and hand out gospel tracts.

I believe God’s word will transform your life.

The Bible is my favourite book

I remember when I first started reading the Good News in my early twenties. I was amazed at the wisdom its pages contained and surmised that it was not possible for human thinking to have concluded such matters; it could only be the wisdom of God.

It is through reading the Bible that I came to know the goodness of God. My heart’s desire is that you too would come to know the depths and the magnitude of the goodness of our God.

The Bible is a gift

The Bible is a book of truth which, God has graciously provided as a gift to us. The Bible provides us with an account of His love for us. It tells us who God is and who we are and gives a timeline of ancient history, communicating where we came from and our eternal destiny.

In the Bible we discover that God has always loved His people and He predetermined that although we would rebel against Him, He would provide a means of reconciliation – He would die to save us rather than see us perish and be eternally separated from Him.

Today God wants you to be as much in love with Him, as He is with you. It is through the Bible that you will truly discover the nature of God.

The Bible is the food that helps us grow and mature

When we consume food, we take it into our mouths. We taste, chew, swallow and digest it. By way of this process our bodies receive nutrients. We can use this analogy to describe what happens when we read the Bible. We taste it and find that it is good, then we chew it over by meditating upon it, then we swallow the word of God, and receive it. When the word is absorbed, it nourishes us and becomes part of who we are.

As babies we start our life drinking milk. It is easy for our stomachs to digest, and our bodies quickly absorb the nutrients we need. However, we were designed to progress from drinking milk to eating solid food.

The Christian life is no different; to grow and mature we cannot continue to live only on milk – it will not sustain us. Eating solid food requires chewing, on our part. It is the process whereby we break down the word of God for ourselves before it is ingested.

When we are not growing, we remain the same. This is not an option for Christians because as soon as we stop growing, we begin to stagnate. When stagnation begins so too does rot and decay. God wants you, His child, strong in life and strong in faith. He wants you equipped and well capable of handling the issues of life.

It is His desire that you would know Him more intimately than ever before. God is trustworthy and He wants you to develop a cherished and steadfast relationship with Him.

Rediscover the Bible with free Bible Reading Plans

My confident expectation is that, written on the pages of the Bible you will find reassurance of God’s love and commitment to you and be inspired to ‘lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God’ (Eph. 4:1b, NLT).

To aid you I am providing some free downloadable Bible Reading Plans.

When you are following these Bible reading plans; read to understand, not to just get through it. It is better to read a smaller amount and comprehend what is written, rather than a large amount, and remember none of it.

Share scriptures with others through gospel tracts

As you read the Bibe I encourage you to share its message with others. Give people a copy of their own Bible, share your testimony or hand out some of our gospel tracts. Give them to you know; strangers you meet; people you study, work, or socialise with. Gospel tracts are a simple and powerful tool for sharing the message of God’s love and salvation plan.

Discover our range of gospel tracts. They have been written and illustrated to cater for different age groups. Find our helpful guide on how to hand out gospel tracts here.

Closing encouragement

My prayer is that your relationship with the God who created and loves you will be enriched; your soul will be encouraged and strengthened; you grow in wisdom, gain understanding and are well equipped to navigate life.

May God richly bless you as you seek a more intimate relationship with the one who loves.

Every Blessing


ti-dingz (commonly misspelt as ti-dings, tidings and tidingz)