Ti-dingz (euaggelizo) is a word from the ancient Greek meaning to:
Tell good news | Bring glad tidings | Preach the gospel
Matthew 11:5; Luke 1:19, 4:18, 7:22, 8:1, 9:6, 20:1; Acts 13:32; Romans 1:15, 10:15, 14:20; 1 Corinthians 1:17
Every person is made in the image of God, uniquely designed and incredibly valuable. But not many people know this. Some have never heard the basic truths of Christianity.
Over the years of sharing the gospel, we’ve been struck by how hard it is to find gospel tracts that don’t focus solely on sin. So, we’ve created them. We want all people to hear the Good News and experience the lavish love of God.
Our gospel tracts describe the love and grace of God, yet don’t fail to address sin in a gentle and natural way. God knows that we are inherently sinful, but he also understands our struggles. He is compassionate and gracious.
Our gospel tracts are a simple way to share the Good News. Drop them in letter boxes, use them for divine appointments, give them to your friends and neighbours.
Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15, NLT
Author and Illustrator, Deb is passionate about sharing God’s love. It’s a trait that filters through into everything she does. Whether it’s running a non-for-profit, building relationships or creating art, she loves, encourages and supports people from all walks of life.
Deb has served the local community for over 25 years as the senior chaplain of Nambour Hospital, director of Suncoast Care, manager of Lily House and as a Billy Graham chaplain.
Deb studied hospital chaplaincy at Trinity College, has a Bachelor of Ministry from Christian Heritage College and a Graduate Diploma in Divinity from Queensland Theological College.
She also studied at the Sydney Institute of the Arts majoring in photography.
Deb is married and loves family.
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty the maker of heaven and earth, and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, begotten from the Father. He came to save humanity from the penalty of sin and became flesh by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary…